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The ABR Program Has Been Posted

For all of you that are eagerly anticipating Saturday’s Autumn Brew Review now you can get your grubby little hands (eyeballs) on this year’s program.


  1. ryan says:

    Good catch Kris! Did you get the ticket I mailed you?

  2. Eric says:

    St Somewhere is going to be present?! Best surprise so far.

  3. Ben says:

    Eric: They’ve been in the state for a little while now. They only brew the 2 beers. Both are pretty tasty.

  4. Chad says:

    Damn. I try to download the pdf and it crashed at 71%. I can’t even get it attempt a download now.

    What a tease!

  5. FlatEarth says:

    Send me your email and I’ll get you a word version of it.

  6. Duke says:

    Its 10:00 AM and all I can think about is beer. OOOOH Im so excited!

  7. Chad says:

    Thanks, Kris! For some reason IE would let me download it after multiple attempts, but Firefox hated it.

    I…want…a beer. I may have to call in sick tomorrow, because there’s absolutely no way I’m getting anything done. Not a chance.

  8. Chad says:

    Anyone else have their plan of attack? I do! I do.

  9. Chad says:

    (I swear I’m not this hyper in person. Wow.)

    I don’t see it specifically noted anywhere in the pdf, but am I going to be allowed in with a Camelbak (with water in it, of course)?

  10. skystupilotbob says:

    Is the TC Imbiber bringing a special keg like last year?


  11. Ben says:

    Chad: It shouldn’t be a problem. People bring backpacks and stuff. I’ve seen Camelbaks at a number of fests including this one.

  12. Eric says:

    Ben: I have a couple bottles of the Saison in my cellar. They’re so small tho, I would never have expected them to mosey on up our way for a fest. And, they’re not on the list of participating breweries named on the site. Hence, my surprise.

  13. TruthBrew says:

    Sorry, no special kegs this year….. used them up at the Where The Wilds Beers Are event. But I will be giving away a free ticket in a few hours on MNBeer. Stay tuned here.

  14. Ben says:

    Eric: Aaah I see. Yeah I was a bit surprised when I heard they were making the jump to come up here. I had gotten a couple bottles of each of their brews from a friend in Florida a while back. Come to think of it I haven’t tried the darker one yet. Gotta get around to that at some point but there’s just way too much to drink alone.

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