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Agnew on Summit EPA

Michael Agnew has landed a part-time gig with the Star Tribune and will be writing a monthly beer article. Check out his first piece, featuring a local staple Summit EPA.


  1. Steve Fletty says:

    Finally, some decent local beer writing with real descriptors and not just nice beer. Good job Michael. Look forward to seeing more.

  2. Duke says:

    It was a nice article and Summit EPA is a fantastic beer. However, calling this beer a classic example of an English Bitter is inacurate. At 5.3% ABV Summit EPA is not an English Bitter nor is it really much of a session beer, as the article states.

  3. Sean says:

    In today’s market I’d call it a session beer.

  4. al says:

    they must’ve listened to the feedback from their wine-guy’s last attempt to write about beer.
    Good work, Michael!

  5. I’m happy for Summit. It is a good sign that a locally-crafted beer like Summit EPA is a “fallback” beer. It seems like only a few years ago, I was judging bars on whether they had Summit EPA available. If they did not, I left for another establishment. Now the situation is reversed in that it is odd to find a local bar not serving it.

    Reflecting on @Duke’s comment, I’d like to see Summit lower the ABV for EPA. Even a couple of points would be nice. I’m mostly done with high ABV beers and I’m looking for when brewers take up the session beer challenge.

    Great article Michael! You’ve reminded me of my appreciation for Summit EPA. I’m looking forward to future articles.

  6. Ben says:

    Scott: You could always buy it at the grocery store if you want lower ABV beer.

  7. @Ben, I often forget that grocery store beer is lower ABV. I should pick up a case to see how it compares. However, it usually is not home consumption where I’m concerned about the alcohol content.

  8. Chad says:

    Holy crap, Beerfan actually liked something? Write this down, folks! It’s a great day.

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