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WSJ & Beer?!

For those of you unfortunate souls who don’t have the luxury of sitting on your soft butts in expensive chairs, feet comfortably propped up on disregarded Ponzi-scheme proposals, eating doughnuts and drinking fru-fru coffee purchased with TARP money, idly chatting about the plight of the common man, and perusing the daily paper favored by fat-cat financiers (the Wall Street Journal) like myself, I’d like to point you to a pretty good article in today’s online WSJ focusing on Lambics.  I’d like to thank Half-Caff-Double-Donut-Frazier for bringing this to my attention.  It’s got nothing to do with Minnesota Beer, but it does make for a good read and I hope you enjoy it.  I’ve seen an increasing number of craft beer related stories in the WSJ and similar periodicals.  I guess that means it’s a legitimate industry for today’s Gordon Gekko to exploit.  Interestingly enough, many of the more recent stories have touched on the relative health of the craft beer industry in the broad economic malaise.


  1. brewhound says:

    Sour power!

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