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90 Shilling… cough… heather… cough…

November… cough… That’s all I’ve got… 🙂 You guess the who, where, why, what, etc. Cough…


  1. Columbo says:

    This one…. is a bit of a mystery!

  2. Dirtyspeed says:

    Summit. Unchained Vol:2.

  3. Trav says:

    Could be Summits new Scotch Ale, or Odell Brewing 90 Schilling is coming to MN, also a Scotch ale. My guess is the former.

  4. joe says:

    shall we say Scottish heather ale. lovely heather tips from the British isles.

  5. ben says:

    gotta be O’Dells from ft collins. Visited there twice now, great place, though its dwarfed by New Belgium in that town.

  6. Ryan says:

    I hope it’s about O’Dell’s coming here! They make fantastic beers (have some in my fridge)!

  7. kai says:

    oh man, hoping it’s O’dell. Love their IPA.

  8. Dirtyspeed says:

    Hmmmm. Well, the Summit is going to be called 90/- which means 90 Shilling. So I guess it could be either but the Summit will be released around that time.

  9. Mag says:

    I love O’Dells too and would love to see it in this market, but I doubt this H1N1-influenced hint by Ryan refers to that. Methinks the Summit guess is on target.

  10. Brian says:

    Yes, as a couple others have said, it is Summit Unchained #2. It has already been rumored to be a Scottish Heather Ale.

  11. Duke says:

    Fuckin lame…got my hopes up for Odell’s.

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