News & Updates

Beery Christmas to You And All That


Merry Xmas, Happy Holidays, etc., etc. dear readers! Christmas is a great time to share the gift of beer with loved ones, especially those uninitiated into the world of craft beer. So share your favorite winter warmer or special seasonal with family and friends this year and give the gift of great beer and great cheer.

Thank you all for another year of ridiculous traffic on the site. I still can’t believe this site gets thousands of unique visitors a day, but it does, and I’m thankful for all of you! You’re the ones that drive the site and make it all worth doing. Thanks also to our brewery, brewpub, beer bar, beer store and homebrew friends. Monumental growth in these areas makes what we do with the site all the more exciting and worthwhile.

For me, your fearless “editor,” this has been a year of change. My family added a second child, and my day gig had some new and exciting changes. Needless to say, I’ve been super busy. Thankfully the dust is all starting to settle and I’ll be able to devote more time to craft beer and look at some new permanent help for If you’re interested, let me know! Also look for a new design in the next few months.

Thanks again beer friends. Drink up, buttercup!