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E.T.B. for All American Grill and Brewhouse

The latest word on All American Grill and Brewhouse’s E.T.B. (Estimated Time for their own Beer being on tap) is 3 to 6 weeks.  Kris and I have been holding off visiting them until they have some of their own brews on tap given the longish drive, so we don’t have much to report on their chow, decor, crowd, etc.  Has anyone else had a chance to visit the joint?


  1. Cecil says:

    The place has a Northwoods feel to it. Log cabin type. Pinewood tables and chairs. Food was good, had some Walleye fingers and some Ribs. Nothing real special on tap, pretty much the normal stuff, Blue Moon, Guinness, Summit EPA, Bud, Sam Adams, Leinies etc. We will go back when they have their own brew flowing. Looks to be a fairly small brewing operation, maybe 3 barrel ??

  2. Chaz says:

    Guest tap list is pretty varied for a new non-metro brewpub – hopefully it doesn’t undercut the house brews.

    Thanks for the update!

  3. Jon B says:

    I stopped by the All American Grill and Brewhouse in Waverly Nov. 29th. Very nice NEW place. they have a Chef (not the owner) Lee is his name and he does nice work. coincidently he was sitting in the next booth doing some paperwork business. As I quized the waitress (her second night on the job) He helped answer some of my questions and he apparently enjoyed some of my comments.

    I had the smoked BBQ ribs. they were drier than most, the way I like them and there were spiced just right. I also had the mashed potatoes, they were real and seasoned lightly and had bits of skin blended in…NICE. The salad was nice,simple,fresh and their own blended dressing. I had the Tiramisu for desert, extra thick creamy custard with cookie sticks topped with a cherry.

    BEER, they had several on tap and several bottled, sadly with a few exceptions, they are trying to appeal to the masses. Bud, miller chill, and the like. The few I thought were worth ordering were Newcastle Brown, Sam Adams seasonal, blue moon, Stella Artois, and lastly is what I ordered was Summit EPA.
    Regarding their own brew…they are still hashing over the legal paperwork for brewing. though there are two (extract) brews in process, a red and a light (both Ales, I assume) I met the Owner Jon, he is not the brewer and has never homebrewed. I thought that was interesting. He has two people doing the brewing, he told me there names and titles, but I forgot.

    I posted this on “” disscussion forum on Nov. 30 2007
    Topic: All American Grill and Brewhouse…in Waverly

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