Category: Brau Brothers Brewing Co.

Brau Brothers Hopfest!

Brau Brothers Brewing Company will play host to their 1st Annual Hopfest this weekend, September 5-7.

Each day music will be played on a stage set up outside the brewery in the parking lot, tours will be offered, the kitchen will have specials on food,  and beer, including a special release of Test Positive Ale*, will be drunk.  There’s something for everyone with Country, Bluegrass, Rock, and Polka! Bring your sunscreen, and be ready to party!


*Test Positive spent several months in used, buggy, whiskey barrels. Fermented on Saccharomyces initially, then aged on lacto + pedio and finally finished with brett, this one serves up some flavor! A bit of chocolate, vanilla, dark cherry/plum, green apple tart, a little funk, and finally a hint of smoke from the barrel. This one is darker in flavor than the Bancreagie Sour (which we will also try to bottle for the weekend). Test Positive will do well with the stinkiest of cheeses! We saved our favorite barrel for barrel pours Friday, Saturday, and (If there’s any left) Sunday