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  1. Trav says:

    Its getting pretty good reviews, especially for a lager. Im going to pick up a twelver tonight to bring up north.

  2. Bock Boy says:

    I had some last weekend, and I’ll admit my expectations were not high. I bought it mainly for the “kitsch” factor. But I was pleasantly surprised that it was pretty decent. A thirst quenching, hot weather beer that would be good while listening to the Twins game on a warm summer evening.

  3. al says:

    I remember seeing some beer references in Kristin Tillotson’s past work. And music editor Chris Reimenschneider has done his share. Much better that these guys do their part, rather than the old guard. When Jeremy Iggers wrote about Happy Gnome, he remarked how many of the world’s great beers are not included. No Guinness Draught, or Pilsner Urquell?, he wrote. Wake up, the world has changed!

  4. Ben says:

    Looked for some while I was up north this past week for a long weekend but didn’t find any (although I did see a billboard for it on the drive up). Ended up having to settle for the keg of Furious and case of CynicAle and Bitter Brewer I brought in addition to plenty of macro (and even a pint or two of Lake Superior and Sam Adams) I got at the bars.

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