Category: beer events

Town Hall Beer Release: Thunderstorm

This is my favorite kind of thunderstorm… beer-flavored thunderstorm… mmm… Town Hall… Monday…

This is the National Weather Service:  A Severe Thunderstorm Warning has been issued for Anoka, Hennepin, Ramsey and the entire twin cities metro area.  Expect large hail exceeding six inches in diameter with strong damaging winds in excess of 85 mph.   Trained weather spotters have observed a rotating wall cloud and Doppler radar has indicated a bow echo advancing towards the area just west of the Metrodome.  This storm is currently heading northeast and will be entering the Minneapolis seven corners area at 5:00pm on the 23rd. Please seek shelter immediately at Town Hall and belly up to your nearest south wall to wait out the storm.  This Thunderstorm has the potential to cause significant giddiness, effervescence, and the feelings a child has as the storm clouds descend.

Chad Bacon -  Town Hall Resident Meteorologist

The Surly Open (Disc) Golf Tournament

This sounds like a good time, and if I didn’t suck at disc golf (or have plans that day), I’d probably go. Surly Open.

That’s right. Surly is putting together a golf tournament Sunday, August 5th. Leave your golf shirts, clubs and balls at home, this one is a disc golf tourney. We will have sign-up on the web-site in a few days. The plan is to have to waves of a shotgun start. What’s that mean? Everybody that signs up will head out to a designated hole and start playing at the same time. We are planning on start times of 9:00 and 1:00. Cost is going to be $25. That includes the game of golf, a Surly disc golf and dinner. We are working on putting together some fun hole prizes. Like longest drive gets a case of beer, stuff like that.

Tell your friends and plan on signing up, we need to fill this event up so we can repeat it next year.

One more thing, this event is open to everyone. This is not a competitive tourney, the idea is to have a little fun. See you throwing!

Town Hall Gigantic Beer Release…

Read on… lots of good stuff at Town Hall Thursday evening. If I can break away from a semi-work related task, I’ll try to drag Dawn down there with me for some goooooood beer. The Belgian Wheat Wine is screaming at me… “Drink me! Drink me!”

Hey Kids,
Happy to announce that some changes are happening! Installed new climate controlled cask lines and we have our under bar draft boxes installed. We best break in all those new lines well……Tomorrow is the day! 5:00 we will release Town Hall Barrel Aged Wee Heavy, Town Hall Barrel Aged Quadruple (this aged in French Oak 18 months), and Town Hall Barrel Aged Ruby Jack (Belgian Wheat Wine) and if that’s not enough…why not release Gouden Carolus Tripel and the one and only Rodenbach Flemmish Red (both guest beers on tap from Belgium). Sorry, no growlers. The weather is going to be great, should make for a wonderful evening!

Thanks all for the continued support!

P.S. Thunderstorm expected 7/23