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Edible Twin Cities Beer Primer

A friend who knows my love of beer handed me the most recent edition of Edible Twin Cities with the caveat, “You probably know most of the stuff in this article, but it’s still pretty interesting.” Indeed, I did, and indeed it was. The article gives an overview of the beer scene in Minnesota, brewing 101 and other resources to check out. While the full article isn’t on-line, they site does feature a web-only preview.

Pick up the issue on news stands at co-ops, natural food stores, and other fine food establishments.


  1. TruthBrew says:

    Yikes… “Castille Rouge”… ummmm that’s Kasteel Rouge. =)

    The author is a manager at the Valley Natural Foods in Bville. Nice gal.

  2. al says:

    Castille Rouge
    Unique to the Happy Gnome (Seifert assures us he bought it all), this tangy beer tastes like cherries.

    maybe they bought all the remaining kegs, but they were never the only bar to have it, and never will be. The Blue Nile went through several kegs in November, December, January.

    Needless, to say, I’m a little tired of the Gnome saying “we have it all.” They tried to nab every keg of HopSlam.

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