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Lift Bridge Increasing Production of Farm Girl

Thanks to the good folks over at the Heavy Table for alerting me to this news!

Lift Bridge Brewery has entered a relationship with Point Brewery in Stevens Point, Wisconsin on production of our Farm Girl Saison®. This will allow us to produce larger batches of Farm Girl Saison® and to begin bottle production in June 2009. We will continue our brewing relationship with the good people at Flat Earth Brewing Company in St. Paul, MN. This move will allow our brew team more time to concentrate on our mission of creating new tasty brews and working on bringing brewing back to Stillwater, MN.


  1. Chad says:

    How many bbls can they produce now at Flat Earth, and how many can Point make for them?

  2. Right now we are producing between 30-60 bbls/month at Flat Earth. Point Brewery can make up to 100 bbl batches. The exact production will be based on demand.

  3. “begin bottle production in June 2009” Yes!

  4. ryan says:


  5. andy says:

    Wow, so potentially we could get some Farmgirl out to the rest of the state? Sweet!

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