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Tasty Waters…er Great Waters

In addition to Tighty Whitey Wit, Great Waters is also serving (pushed) Hauch von Rauch (whisp of smoke) smoked Hefeweizen currently.  I had some yesterday, so can verify that they are safe for consumption.  GW also has teed-up Rye P.A. (pushed) as well as New Centurion on cask.  That means you MBA members need to get drinking so that these can be cracked open.  Incidentally, they’ve also got a cask of dry hopped Chinook St. Peter.  Bob also said he is deviously schemeing on some mad concoction for ABR.  Woot!


  1. Eric says:

    Figures….*all* they had last week (on my birthday, incidentally) was the Wit. Now they’re full of stuff!

  2. Trav says:

    The Rauch was 1.50 a pint on Monday. Unbelievable deal there. Nice subtle smoke to it.

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