Surly Cranberry One at the Blue Nile By ryan on April 17, 2007in bars/restaurants, breweries Al tells me that he’s still got some Cranberry One from Surly on tap at the Blue Nile. As far as beers with fruit go, I think it’s a winner. Drink it up folks! Post navigation Previous||Next Related Posts MinnPost Scribes About Brau Bros By Eric on November 8, 2010 Biscotti Release & Bake-Off at Lift Bridge By Kris on December 4, 2012
Save some for me!!!
Sounds like I need to find a way to get down there tonight.
I cant fathom how cranberries in beer could be good? I guess if it is possible, surly could do it!
I got some! The cranberries were a nice addition. IMO They seemed to add some slight zesty tartness to a big malty beer.