Category: misc. mn beer

Strib Picks up the Twins Roof Deck Story…

and the commenters want local beer! Surprise! It’s a pipe dream to think that some (maybe any…) of our local breweries could afford the same sort of sponsorship that Budweiser could take on, but on the same note, I tend to think that Budweiser cheapens Target Field a bit and distracts from the “uniquely Minnesota experience.”

And while bitching on the web can be fun, it’s not necessarily terribly productive. I would, however, encourage you to contact the Minnesota Twins and ask kindly for a selection of Minnesota beers at Target Field.

You wanted local craft beer at the new Twins stadium?

Hmm. Not sure if they’re listening. This doesn’t look terribly promising. Nothing says “ultimate Minnesota outdoor experience” like… uh… Budweiser?! Maybe not…

Target Field to feature Budweiser Roof Deck

This probably shouldn’t be looked upon as a final nail in the craft beer for having craft beer at the new stadium… Summit, Schell’s and Cold Spring lack the cashflow that Budweiser brings to the table, but something about having Budweiser as a prominent part of our new baseball stadium sort of cheapens things for me. I guess we can still hope for a little good beer at the new stadium. C’mon Twins… step it up a bit!

The Beer Dabbler Events HAVE NOT Been Canceled

The Beer Dabbler events HAVE NOT, let me repeat HAVE NOT NOT NOT been canceled. Mag got scammed by an comment by someone posting under the name “Matt Kenevan” saying that all of the events were canceled. This simply is not true and as a whole, sincerely apologizes for any misunderstanding.

The Stillwater event, unfortunately, has been canceled because The Beer Dabbler wasn’t granted a permit after three months of talks. The rest of the events ARE ON and we highly suggest that you go, enjoy some great beers with great people in  different locations around Minnesota (Oh, and Sioux Falls, too).

Again, we apologize for any confusion. It’s our fault for running with an unfounded story. That being said, It’s pretty lame and low to be posting on a site using someone else’s name. Not cool.